事情已经起了变化。所谓的停止更新通知只是morphXT小组的成员,著名Emule MOD作者与非著名晕子--------STULLE的一个恶作剧,起因主要是某些不明事理的乡民,他们呱噪任何MOD都应该在新官版问世后立即发布新版本,至少公布一个具体的日程安排。此举触怒了STULLE(从STULLE的论坛签名就可知道这是最使其厌恶的举动),处心积虑几天后就有了开头那张帖子。
Morphxt Lives And You Have Been Trolled, Revealing the prank
stulle的新帖《Morphxt Lives And You Have Been Trolled, Revealing the prank》:
You Have Been Trolled!
The announcement of the closure of the MorphXT project has been a troll. There were various reasons for me to do this troll and I will talk about this a little further down.
First of all I would like to congratulate Quezl! You have either been the only one to notice or the only one to not hide your knowledge. Either way, your fast reply almost ruined it all so I removed the bold tags on the four capital letters in the whole post. Btw, are you familiar with dattebayo or how come you figured out YHBT so fast?
This directly leads me to the next point of things I would like to talk about here. The troll was darn obvious if you guys would have read the signs. Firstly, I am widely known for my apparent lack of capitalization but you should have noticed that I did not capitalize my name or that of my projects like I usually do. Nevertheless I made exactly four letters capital and they spell YHBT which means 'You have been trolled'. Another pretty obvious hint was that I kept refusing to publish any plans on my StulleMule project even though I claimed MorphXT to be cancelled. Lastly, there was Quezl...
Now I would like to say sorry to a couple of people. Most importantly there is Some Support. I told you about my plans and you told me how much you disliked it. I did it though and I hope the lines below will calm your disapproval a bit. Further appologies fly out to Wiz, Spike2, zz_fly, V-X-Vendetta, Nicolas_fr and everybody who spent the last few days working on their own merge of MorphXT because of this announcement. Telling you beforehand would have been nicer but I felt I should not tell too many people beforehand.
Like I promised above I will now give you the reasons for all this.
Most importantly in a troll, of course, it was the lolz I got from some people's replies. The second and thus second most important component is people like mikcpu who think that any decent modder or modder team should provide a complete merge a mere few hours after the last official emule update was finally released or at least give you an exact time table that states we are just about to finish work. You suck! This kind of person just does not give a shit about the people working on this project and it gives me the creeps! We do this for free and before even daring to ask you should ask yourself "Could I have adapted a couple of thousand lines of additional code to the latest changes in eMule in a mere few hours of work?" That is if they can code at all, and most of these people can not. Another reason to play this prank on you was that I wanted to see how people do actually react to information like this. Basically, I gathered this much, there are a lot of people whining when there is no new version but even worse is that they start leaving a parking ship as soon as they fear having to stay in the same harbor for more than a week. Are you people really this dedicated to MorphXT? Well, I certainly do not need this kind of users because it is the kind that gives back the least of all. Then there is also the kind of people that take things much too serious. Guys, this is the internetz and not real life. When eMule crashes nobody gets hurt. Why do you consider anything here serious enough to be getting depressed about? Get a life guys!
Another special remark for Manícula at this point: I have no idea if you are stupid, plain stupid or simply consider yourself more funny than you actually are. Either way, I have no intention to let a random douche rule my life and I have even less intention to accept that anybody calls me a jerk and requests something in the same sentence. I don't mind people hating me or whatever but if they do they should just leave me alone. I do not need anybody's attitude and I do certainly not like yours, Manícula!
The idea for this troll was completly mine and nobody else is to blame for this. However, I got inspiration from the friendly staff of dattebayo (google them if you wish). They know that the internetz is serious business!
After having let you go through all of this I will let you have some insight on what has really been going on. I started merging MorphXT on March 1st and ever since I was working on the code. The day this troll was started was the day we started alpha testing. By now we have advanced a lot further but unfortunately I will have to be offline starting tomorrow for a few days at the least. In fact, I would have loved to end this troll by releasing a new version but time was against me... and Real Life and I do not have to stress the importance of the latter, right?! Anyway, testing will be carried on and I hope to be releasing as soon as I think the code is stable and includes all changes I would like it to have. I might not be updating the CVS to stop any jerk from using the code prior to a public release. But I did not yet decide, yet.
Special thanks fly out to my testers. Especially Andu, guijarrelson, Dick_Manitoba, erdem444 and Nisse shall be noticed here for the tough testing Sunday we had. Nisse, thanks again for playing along so well when Quezl was about to ruin it all. Andu and Dick, thank you for the nice talks we had... it sometimes just needs a bit of distraction to keep productive.
Lastly, what I said about fafner and leuk_he was sadly about true. They got about no time and despite being able to maintain this project on my own I consider MorphXT to be a real team project and that also includes a Dev Team and not just a Tester Team. I would like to ask anyone to contact me if he/she thinks that he/she can contribute to this project in code. Especially Rapid Mule is invited to send me a message because you have already contributed to this project indirectly. However, if you - that means anybody that wants to apply - got anything to do with leecher mods then stay away. I have certain principles and the most important one in coding matters is not to join forces with people who violate what I consider to be good and important, such as the mod rules of this board.
After having read this awfully long post I hope you learned something today. Stop acting stupid and be a little more nice with us. Biting the hand that feeds will make you starve after all.
Taking the internet serious,
嗯嗯,发现我的留言都刷出来了,看来你已经教育了不听话的那个“东西” ^^